Sunday, September 26, 2010

American History X

 Social Identify to the extreme drama and thriller!

     This is a typical example of how belief system is passed down through generation where you’re branded and labeled, and how it impacts an individual identity. His father was put off by the fascination Derek (Edward Norton ) had for his teacher (Avery Brooks), and how he admire his knowledge and education. The seed was planted in Derek head when his father spoke negative bias remarks about affirmative action for blacks, and the seed exploded after his father’s death. His father’s root of Social identity is perceived from exaggerate in-group similarities and out-group differences, and his fear for change and how it will affect him made him show his authority to hold on to his family.
     “The story unfolds through the eyes of Danny Vinyard, who idolizes his older brother Derek. Seeking retribution for his father's murder and burning a way to vent his rage, Derek finds himself transformed by a philosophy of hate as he turns into a charismatic leader of a local white power movement. Despite his indisputable intelligence, his incendiary actions culminate in a brutal murder and ultimately, a prison sentence”.
-Derek had a strong in-group attachment and identification with a group which increased his belief system   making him think he is invincible which ultimately made him into a violent extremist.
-Derek imprisonment was the shift accompanied by pro group behavior aimed at changing existing inequalities.   When the group attachment is weak identity easily escaped, Derek bond with the laundry guy in prison allowed him to be more socially acceptable. Ashamed of his past he is now in a race to save Danny and the Vinyard family from the violence he brought down upon them.
     The lesson learned is if hate is developed as a Social Identity, and it helps the individual locate themselves, what is the price? and when does it end? Unfortunately, the negative aspect is when the seed of hate is planted it will poison the mind, and the (ultimate price) was the original witness to Derek’s crime were the death of his younger brother Danny Vinyard.

by Unsungvoice

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Silence to hypocrisy

                           Pastor Terry Jones: Watch it! I'm really as stupid as I look. by Sneuro

Florida Pastor wants to burn Koran!
     This is another example of the misuse of America’s First Amendment of the U.S constitution “Freedom of speech”, there is an excellent notation from my Political Science class notes “A constitution does not need to be written and written constitutions do not have to be followed”. This is very interesting because we're a free will species, but we’re easily persuaded when anything threatens our custom.  It’s ironic that we the people make the most of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that “you can speak, and express an opinion, and do it in a symbolic way by burning something, but you can't do it in a way that would incite violence".  

     Reverend Jones “an eye for an eye” to burn a Koran is another mechanical reaction brought on by anger, and fear. In my opinion as pastor the Florida reverend is sending out the wrong message to the Muslims, and the Islamic nation, his parishioners, and the American people. From my readings the Qur’an (Koran) is a sacred text to the Muslims. What possible gratification will be gotten from this action? It will create potential violence against U.S. interests, and military efforts around the world, mainly those in Afghanistan.
Even though, there were criticisms from the top U.S. general in Afghanistan, the White House and the State Department, as well as a host of religious leaders Rev. Terry Jones insisted he would go ahead with his plans. Reported by Mitch Stacy, 09.07.10, 10: Associated Press

     Even though the reverend didn’t follow through with his threat of burning the Qur’an (Koran) his eruption demonstrated he is like what he preaches radicalism! And possibly Rev. Jones and his 50 followers at Dove Worlds Outreach center in Gainesville are an extremist group in disguise.
Does America really need any more conflict?  Not!

By: UnsungVoice