Saturday, September 18, 2010

Silence to hypocrisy

                           Pastor Terry Jones: Watch it! I'm really as stupid as I look. by Sneuro

Florida Pastor wants to burn Koran!
     This is another example of the misuse of America’s First Amendment of the U.S constitution “Freedom of speech”, there is an excellent notation from my Political Science class notes “A constitution does not need to be written and written constitutions do not have to be followed”. This is very interesting because we're a free will species, but we’re easily persuaded when anything threatens our custom.  It’s ironic that we the people make the most of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that “you can speak, and express an opinion, and do it in a symbolic way by burning something, but you can't do it in a way that would incite violence".  

     Reverend Jones “an eye for an eye” to burn a Koran is another mechanical reaction brought on by anger, and fear. In my opinion as pastor the Florida reverend is sending out the wrong message to the Muslims, and the Islamic nation, his parishioners, and the American people. From my readings the Qur’an (Koran) is a sacred text to the Muslims. What possible gratification will be gotten from this action? It will create potential violence against U.S. interests, and military efforts around the world, mainly those in Afghanistan.
Even though, there were criticisms from the top U.S. general in Afghanistan, the White House and the State Department, as well as a host of religious leaders Rev. Terry Jones insisted he would go ahead with his plans. Reported by Mitch Stacy, 09.07.10, 10: Associated Press

     Even though the reverend didn’t follow through with his threat of burning the Qur’an (Koran) his eruption demonstrated he is like what he preaches radicalism! And possibly Rev. Jones and his 50 followers at Dove Worlds Outreach center in Gainesville are an extremist group in disguise.
Does America really need any more conflict?  Not!

By: UnsungVoice


  1. great blog! it's funny how that 1st amendment can be a good and bad thing at times...but I think that's what makes this country different...we can speak our minds and express ourselves.

  2. Excellent post! "his eruption demonstrated he is like what he preaches radicalism". Unfortunely,the 1st amendment gave him that right or it was most likely he had an other body experience.

  3. Great post! the cartoon says it all.

  4. Hey Saundra, great blog. I am in Mumbai India now. My business trip was postponed from Aug. There have been warnings from the US embassy about riots and people being killed in Kashmir. There has also been warnings in New Delhi. Free speech is not free when it causes people to kill each other. The problem in these regions are that not many people have a TV, radio or newspaper. Many people just go by word of mouth. Here they think the US is having a book burning party. It turns out the woman I am training here is Muslim. She asked where I was from and I said the US and she seemed surprised and said "American?" then I realized she may think I hate Muslims or may want to hurt me because of what some idiot said in Florida. I told her I apologize for the jerk in Florida and that one madman who got a hold of the media does not represent the whole US. She didn't say anything and smiled.

  5. Hi again, my post above did not have my name attached to it.

  6. well said! it's good to have an open mind and not be ignorant to the rest of the wold.

  7. Hi Barb that’s what makes it worst. People in remote regions who doesn’t have any type of technology reply on word of mouth, and any news they received is taken literally, and if its negative news it puts a lot of people at risk.
    The service your company is offering is well needed there. Hope to see you back in the U.S soon.

  8. Another good example of balancing that fine line between the preservation of our constitutional rights vs. protecting our national security.

  9. Great insights. But there is also another constitution that all us must follow, and this is the commandments of God "Love the Lord with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves." If we follow these two we would have fulfilled all ten. God does not give into frivolties nor will He embrace the action of the brother in Floridia - it is downright stupid.

  10. Freedom can be a vice. The statement that the minister makes is not about loving your enemy as you do your self. It is almost as radical as the minister that Obama visited. I once wrote a song called G2O2D. We are all his children and it is amazing how we all see him but through different eyes. What an amazing GOD we serve! Ignorance must be avoided and I suppose that we are all Mr. Phelps from MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ! Thanks.
