Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quick thinkers!

Obama Economic Message

           America will always be two set of people “the have “and “the have not”!  “The have” will not allow them to have less. Therefore, our society will never be balance, and the constitution will always be challenged!
          We the people have a right to do what we want to do! Do we? Vote, scandalous acts, embrace greed, and accept war because it touches our soil, but we’re losing our rational with solving America’s problems.  Were going back and forth and not moving forward.   By doing so we’re getting exactly what we ask for more government control (help for the people) or less government control (more private incentives). There needs to be a balance, and yet we’re not letting balance take its place in government or is there a place for balance?
        I believe big business is one of the main causes because it’s all about Greed, and since the government has their eye on big businesses and is limiting the incentives they get, they’re taking their business overseas. “I never did understand that! Businesses get tax breaks, and other incentive which goes into their pockets” and they still lay off people and move their business overseas. “They should be made to give that back”.   Why do you have to be induced to employ your citizens? The banking and manufacturing industry are moving to and investing overseas which takes jobs away from Americans, therefore, people should put big businesses in check for outsourcing them, and  Foreign countries  own so much of Americas properties that we will be paying rent to them soon.  
        Why do we have to compare to past presidents to show that we’re not moving forward but that the past will repeat itself?   That means America is not getting it!
For Instance: Reagan won the house in 1984 when he carried every state except Minnesota.
 District of Columbia, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who two years after significant midterm reversals     in 1938 won an unprecedented third term in 1940.
Bill Clinton, who was reelected in 1996 two years after the GOP captured the House for the first time in 46 years.
     And they saw their popularity fade when they each loss their grasp on the people or when the economy responded slowly. Do popularity and how bad the people are hurting outweigh all rational thinking? Therefore, to what end will we sway?
By Unsung Voices 12/11/10

Korea Geopolitical Crises!

Korea War
If it’s not one thing it’s another: Obama’s Burgeoning Geopolitical Crises:
* The crisis on the Korean peninsula. The USS George Washington aircraft carrier strike group is en route, as seen in the footage above.
     While Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were in Indiana on Tuesday, trying at last to get some credit for saving the American auto industry, Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, and other top officials conferred for hours in the Situation Room. Upon his return, Obama joined them, conferred with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, and ordered the USS George Washington to the area.
     Obama's big economic revitalization and Middle America event of the week, highlighting the saving of the US auto industry, was overshadowed by the crisis precipitated by North Korea's attack early Tuesday morning on a South Korean island. During a sustained artillery barrage, two South Korean marines and two civilians were killed, with dozens wounded.
     The survivors were evacuated to Inchon on the mainland, ironically the site of General Douglas MacArthur's famed 1950 amphibious maneuver which decisively ended the North Korean advance during the early phase of the Korean War.
     Burgeoning! (Rapidly increasing). What! Is the author trying to grasp out attention with a familiar crise that has plaque many president?
     For example, Spanish-American War of 1898 gave the nation a "short victorious war" following the angst of the Civil War, quickly led to the bloody Philippine-American War, and then he Gulf War lifted the U.S. out of a self-conscious, post-Vietnam malaise.
     October 25, 1983, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was executed by Bernard Coard's Stalanist sect, the United States armed forces landed troops on the beaches of Grenada.  President Ronald Reagan  ordered the invasion because Cuban engineers were invited to build to island to build an international airport to enhance tourism. Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan saw this as a threat to the United States because they presume the airstrip could be used to build up an arms cache, and propel a military build-up in the Caribbean.    Since 1990, more than 400 U.S. soldiers have died in the Gulf.   (,
     So, to say the least, why would president Obama be any different to have a war under his administration? America’s motto is to help most countries with their crisis, and make priority those whose interest is held by us. Is the American person not a priority? The president has to focus on getting the economy back on track. Sending soldiers over South Korea while they’re soldiers still in Iran will be an additional strain on the economy. It’s amazing; how many of our presidents have never been able to completely follow and execute the agenda that they promised to implement when they get into office.  America is wary of all the elements that’s causing resentments, censure criticism, and is still angered by 9/11, threats of Al-Qaeda, and Iraq ventures.
     The general public of America is constantly putting pressure on the government to stop the war and bring our troops home. Seven years of war, and in addition , to our own problems, another international crisis has risen that will require the help of our soldiers. Should we ignore our allies? To stabilize this country?
     America will continue to be dreaded by the foes and for a time doubtfully viewed by many of the friends of America, everything stood on a new and more respectable footing, both with regard to the operations of war or negotiations with foreign powers. Mercy Otis Warren (
By: UnsungVoice 11/27/10

Friday, November 26, 2010

Fall from grace; a personal appeal from Charles Rangel!

      AP Photo - FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2010 file photo, Harlem resident Jackie Rowe Adams, left, sings "God Bless America" as U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., center, celebrates with supporters on election night at the Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York. The prospect of a public scolding in Washington for Rangel over ethics violations has drawn both sadness and scorn in his Harlem neighborhood, where he was just re-elected with 81 percent of the vote and remains an icon to residents who say they'll be the ones to decide his political fate.
Rangel's NY supporters urge 'no' vote on censure
     A group of local leaders says Rangel has worked hard in his decades-long career to support his community. They're urging other members of the House of Representatives to vote no on a recommendation to censure him. The Democratic congressman was convicted in an ethics trial by a panel of lawmakers on 11 counts of ethical wrongdoing, including his use of House letterheads and staff to solicit money for a college center named after him. A number of the donors had business before the House Ways and Means Committee while Rangel served as chairman. Rangel also filed a decade's worth of misleading financial statements understating his assets, and converted a subsidized New York apartment - designated for residential use - into a campaign office. Other tenants who violated their lease got evicted. The tax issue was a sore point for several members of the ethics committee, who said it was especially egregious that a former chairman of the House's tax-writing committee failed for 17 years to pay taxes on the income from his island villa. The Rangel case won't end the ethics committee's business. On Nov. 29, the panel of five Democrats and five Republicans will hold an ethics trial for Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. Waters is vigorously fighting charges that she improperly attempted to get federal financial aid for a bank where her husband is an investor.
     No surprise here!  These types of misuse are repetative, and there are many more politicians who have done worst.  So, will there be an overhaul of censures? I think not! Every presidency there has to be some kind of ousted to appease the population.

     I  recall, when it was time for election Charles Rangel as a representative was well loved and highly respected by the people of NY and his peers ; they’ve always spoke very highly of him, and how well he represented his district. It’s sad to see that the ethics council voted 9-1 to censure him not based on an actual crime, but for inappropriately misuse of funds.  Rangel claims it wasn’t for enrichment, or corruption or personal gain, and was justified accordingly. So is the Ethics council censure right? From my understanding the censure punishment given is for felons who are found guilty (of bribes, and cover ups).  Is it fair to have compassion for him to get leniency? It’s sad to see him so broken since he is a self-confident, 80-year-old man who has supported NY for decades, and through this his constituents re-elected him. He has 40 years of House service behind him, and I don’t recall him been tied up in any prior scandals. Rep. Charles Rangel would become the 23rd House member in the nation's history to be censured if the House goes along with a recommendation of its ethics committee.

     In my opinion, politicians have been getting away with these types of behavior for years, and the majority of Americans have been complaining for years, and have lost faith in (some or all politicians) because of all the scandals, and lies that seems to overshadow any accomplishments. The government implements and creates laws that are suppose to protect, benefit, and in some case (control the citizens) but those laws become one sided because politicians seems to think they're exempt. What punishment should Rangel get? And is it fair to have leniency on him? What makes him different?  How can we distinguish the level of punishment to give him? It’s always questions and no real answers when these things happen; if the government has to clean house it’s unfortunate that some form of punishment have to be paid to affirm a fair government system.

     In my opinion, when it comes to politics some Americans either don’t know, understand or don’t care; therefore, will politician change? I would say no! After all, firstly they are citizens, and secondly, they are elected citizens chosen by the people. So what does that say about us? My concept is, America is a product of its own traditions.  Therefore, Mr. Rangel it’s sad to see someone who has such a long career servicing his community fall from grace!

By UnsungVoice:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tea Party Cry of utterance!

     What are they? Who are they?  In some points they’re bringing awareness, and confusion which brings out the radicals  that question our views.  Do we really need another political party? Has America come to the point where we need others to push a button to direct us? I must say they prove their point division or decision.  This took voters away from the two main parties. I hope this win to the republican party will not make matters worse but it will allow both parties to work together to get America out of  this economy.
     "As House Minority Leader John Boehner unveiled the GOP's "Pledge to America" at the Tart Lumber Company in Virginia on Thursday, conservative activists around the country listened intently to find out if House Republicans had included their issues on the GOP's priority list for the near future. Although Erik Erikson at blasted the pledge as "full of compromises and milquetoast rhetorical flourishes in search of unanimity," other conservative activists praised the pledge as a good start, but just that -- a start. The document, released Thursday, promises to reverse Democrats' "disastrous policies," placing an emphasis on jump-starting the American economy. The GOP enjoys an energized base of supporters. Democrats have lots of cash to support candidates"- By Patricia Murphy.
Unbelievable! Unbelievable!    Shift in the rift only time will tell.
By: UnsungVoice November 13, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

If Only!

Diversity... by Kutal, Firuz

     "The world that America seeks is not one that we can build on our own," he said. "For human rights to reach those who suffer the boot of oppression, we need your voices to speak out. In particular, I appeal to those nations who emerged from tyranny and inspired the world in the second half of the last century -- from South Africa to South Asia; from Eastern Europe to South America: Do not stand idly by when dissidents elsewhere are imprisoned and protesters are beaten." Said president Obama, "Part of the price of our own freedom is standing up for the freedom of others. That belief will guide America's leadership in this 21st century."
     The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 30% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating/ Wednesday, October 20, 2010.
     Why do we need a poll to tell us how we feel, think, and have to react? Forget the polling system this is another way of controlling and manipulating our emotions. We need to stand behind what we accept as true. America’s political system is set up to allow us to vote someone in and out of office that we think is not fit to be the serve. Realistically! And presently most of us couldn’t last in the role of president or any political candidate.
      I commend the president on his personal achievements, and on behalf of those who have benefited from his policies. I’m proud that he is a member of my ethnicity not because of the suffering that blacks have endured in this country but the impact he had in bringing hope back to many America, and the positive recognition that America received from all over the world when he was elected. Other countries confront their biases but America try to silence theirs to keep the status quo.  There were very good points address in my political science class today, I had to literally look these up, and reaffirm my position on why I voted for Mr. Obama.
     Obama passed legislation with Republican Senator Jim Talent to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85 ethanol refueling pumps. The tax credit covers 30 percent of the costs of switching one or more traditional petroleum pumps to E85, which is an 85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline blend.

  -After a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

 -His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent.

 -Obama created the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income working families in 2000 and successfully sponsored a measure to make the credit permanent in 2003. The law offered about $105 million in tax relief over three years.

 -Obama joined forces with former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) to pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned gifts from lobbyists. Before the law was passed, one organization ranked Illinois worst among 50 states for its campaign finance regulations.

  -As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama has fought to help Illinois veterans get the disability pay they were promised, while working to prepare the VA for the return of the thousands of veterans who will need care after Iraq and Afghanistan.

  -He traveled to Russia with Republican **** Lugar to begin a new generation of non-proliferation efforts designed to find and secure deadly weapons around the world.

  -Obama has been a leading advocate for protecting the right to vote, helping to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act and leading the opposition against discriminatory barriers to voting.

  - In the U.S. Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis began.

  -Obama sponsored legislation to combat predatory payday loans, and he also was credited with lobbied the state to more closely regulate some of the most egregious predatory lending practices.

   -Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.
  -Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. His accomplishments include creating a task force on cervical cancer, providing greater access to breast and cervical cancer screenings, and helping improve prenatal and premature birth services.

 -Obama has introduced and helped pass bipartisan legislation to limit the abuse of no-bid federal contracts.

 -Obama and Senator Feingold (D-WI) took on both parties and proposed ethics legislation that was described as the "gold standard" for reform. It was because of their leadership that ending subsidized corporate jet travel, mandating disclosure of lobbyists' bundling of contributions, and enacting strong new restrictions of lobbyist-sponsored trips became part of the final ethics bill that was signed into law.
     I think it’s great that Mrs. Obama is representing her husband in touring the county to rally voters to the polls, and reminding us that her husband had named two women to the Supreme Court and that the first piece of legislation he signed as president was the Lilly Ledbetter Act to help women achieve equal pay. Ha ha! We seem to over look what this president have accomplish because we‘re suffering right now. We want to govern ourselves but we cry with dripping tears if the America’s way of living is put in danger.  We moan and come together for a short moment then we resort back to our selfish ways, and this is where we lose free will, and the opposing groups is waiting in the wings to persuade us to swing in their direction.

     Mr. Obama didn’t cause the economy, and it’s terrible that people are allowing their emotions to rule them. We wanted change so why are we forgetting that we chose change!  We want quick fixes which can only happen with a miracle of “GOD”.  Personally, I would vote for Obama to be re-elected I’ll give him the same time span that I’ve given all the (politicians) and presidents over the years to accomplish their promise for this country. I am a registered democrat, and I’ll continue to vote on who advocate the best resolution The Declaration of Independence  states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

     So why can’t we achieve this? I know we’re in economy brought on by the self-worth of our leaders, industries, and finance market.

We wanted change! We got it. So! Vote to give change a chance.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Greedism, Capitalism, Humanism

                                Stress testing Banks. by Hildonen, Wilfred
 Greedism, Capitalism, Humanism
      The U.S culture to achieve the American dream is slowly disappearing.   The new biases are the banking community…… or were they here all along and slowly showing their claws like the movie the devil’s advocate.  Values lost, Beliefs systems question. “For what end, and by what mean” the American culture, or is American at a standstill because of this Economic crisis?
     On September 10, 2010 Richard Bove, senior vice president of equity research at Rochdale Securities, anticipates a wave of bank acquisitions starting in November 2010 reported by Alexandra Zendrian- Among the institutions that could potentially be gobble up are PNC Financial Services ( PNC - news - people ), U.S. Bancorp ( USB - news - people ), BB&T Corporation ( BBT - news - people ), State Street ( STT - news - people ) and Northern Trust ( NTRS - news - people ).
     Bank of America Corp., JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo each control about 10 percent or more of U.S. deposits, the most permitted by regulators when considering takeovers and Citigroup is trying to sell assets according to KBW. Inc.
      Under pressure from Attorneys General in many states JP Morgan Chase has joined GMAC Mortgage in temporarily halting foreclosure proceedings in judicial foreclosure states as their employees have admitted filing false affidavits attesting to having fully reviewed each of the tens of thousands of mortgage files to make sure they had the legal right to take ownership of the homes, and it’s likely that Citi Bank will be following Chase and GMAC. By George Gombossy | Last updated Oct 2, 2010, 8:04 am

     In my opinion the banks should not have been bail out! The Financial industry is a major interest group that contributes heavily to political campaigns for favors.  They have an abundance of capital from the destitution of the American citizens yet still they cry deficiency. We’re in an economic crisis, and the banks are not willing to lend without some type of (hidden) recompense! The executives are enjoying large bonuses, still making deals with companies to get business, and foreign money laundering through the banks.  Where is the council of regulators that are supposed to watch for systemic risk under the new bank rules that suppose to make sure the banks are following the securities regulators 243 rules ordered by the legislation?, and can they really regulate the banking industry. How can the average Joe succeed in an ideology banking environment that’s been eaten up by the greedy capitalist sharks?  
By: UnsungVoice

Sunday, September 26, 2010

American History X

 Social Identify to the extreme drama and thriller!

     This is a typical example of how belief system is passed down through generation where you’re branded and labeled, and how it impacts an individual identity. His father was put off by the fascination Derek (Edward Norton ) had for his teacher (Avery Brooks), and how he admire his knowledge and education. The seed was planted in Derek head when his father spoke negative bias remarks about affirmative action for blacks, and the seed exploded after his father’s death. His father’s root of Social identity is perceived from exaggerate in-group similarities and out-group differences, and his fear for change and how it will affect him made him show his authority to hold on to his family.
     “The story unfolds through the eyes of Danny Vinyard, who idolizes his older brother Derek. Seeking retribution for his father's murder and burning a way to vent his rage, Derek finds himself transformed by a philosophy of hate as he turns into a charismatic leader of a local white power movement. Despite his indisputable intelligence, his incendiary actions culminate in a brutal murder and ultimately, a prison sentence”.
-Derek had a strong in-group attachment and identification with a group which increased his belief system   making him think he is invincible which ultimately made him into a violent extremist.
-Derek imprisonment was the shift accompanied by pro group behavior aimed at changing existing inequalities.   When the group attachment is weak identity easily escaped, Derek bond with the laundry guy in prison allowed him to be more socially acceptable. Ashamed of his past he is now in a race to save Danny and the Vinyard family from the violence he brought down upon them.
     The lesson learned is if hate is developed as a Social Identity, and it helps the individual locate themselves, what is the price? and when does it end? Unfortunately, the negative aspect is when the seed of hate is planted it will poison the mind, and the (ultimate price) was the original witness to Derek’s crime were the death of his younger brother Danny Vinyard.

by Unsungvoice