Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quick thinkers!

Obama Economic Message

           America will always be two set of people “the have “and “the have not”!  “The have” will not allow them to have less. Therefore, our society will never be balance, and the constitution will always be challenged!
          We the people have a right to do what we want to do! Do we? Vote, scandalous acts, embrace greed, and accept war because it touches our soil, but we’re losing our rational with solving America’s problems.  Were going back and forth and not moving forward.   By doing so we’re getting exactly what we ask for more government control (help for the people) or less government control (more private incentives). There needs to be a balance, and yet we’re not letting balance take its place in government or is there a place for balance?
        I believe big business is one of the main causes because it’s all about Greed, and since the government has their eye on big businesses and is limiting the incentives they get, they’re taking their business overseas. “I never did understand that! Businesses get tax breaks, and other incentive which goes into their pockets” and they still lay off people and move their business overseas. “They should be made to give that back”.   Why do you have to be induced to employ your citizens? The banking and manufacturing industry are moving to and investing overseas which takes jobs away from Americans, therefore, people should put big businesses in check for outsourcing them, and  Foreign countries  own so much of Americas properties that we will be paying rent to them soon.  
        Why do we have to compare to past presidents to show that we’re not moving forward but that the past will repeat itself?   That means America is not getting it!
For Instance: Reagan won the house in 1984 when he carried every state except Minnesota.
 District of Columbia, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who two years after significant midterm reversals     in 1938 won an unprecedented third term in 1940.
Bill Clinton, who was reelected in 1996 two years after the GOP captured the House for the first time in 46 years.
     And they saw their popularity fade when they each loss their grasp on the people or when the economy responded slowly. Do popularity and how bad the people are hurting outweigh all rational thinking? Therefore, to what end will we sway?
By Unsung Voices 12/11/10


  1. When all is said Obama will have his place in history. If congress will work together whoever is in office this country wouldn't be where we are today. America has to get back up, we're no longer leaders put liberals that’s crying, dictating, and gobbling up all the resources. We're been directed to Nothing!!!

  2. Dog gone-it! Let’s make this administration work! Obama please stay on your agenda and show the People who can turn this around.

  3. Mr. President, Look forward not backwards. Make your own legacy in our government, and stay strong to get your policies enforce.
