Saturday, November 27, 2010

Korea Geopolitical Crises!

Korea War
If it’s not one thing it’s another: Obama’s Burgeoning Geopolitical Crises:
* The crisis on the Korean peninsula. The USS George Washington aircraft carrier strike group is en route, as seen in the footage above.
     While Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were in Indiana on Tuesday, trying at last to get some credit for saving the American auto industry, Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, and other top officials conferred for hours in the Situation Room. Upon his return, Obama joined them, conferred with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, and ordered the USS George Washington to the area.
     Obama's big economic revitalization and Middle America event of the week, highlighting the saving of the US auto industry, was overshadowed by the crisis precipitated by North Korea's attack early Tuesday morning on a South Korean island. During a sustained artillery barrage, two South Korean marines and two civilians were killed, with dozens wounded.
     The survivors were evacuated to Inchon on the mainland, ironically the site of General Douglas MacArthur's famed 1950 amphibious maneuver which decisively ended the North Korean advance during the early phase of the Korean War.
     Burgeoning! (Rapidly increasing). What! Is the author trying to grasp out attention with a familiar crise that has plaque many president?
     For example, Spanish-American War of 1898 gave the nation a "short victorious war" following the angst of the Civil War, quickly led to the bloody Philippine-American War, and then he Gulf War lifted the U.S. out of a self-conscious, post-Vietnam malaise.
     October 25, 1983, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was executed by Bernard Coard's Stalanist sect, the United States armed forces landed troops on the beaches of Grenada.  President Ronald Reagan  ordered the invasion because Cuban engineers were invited to build to island to build an international airport to enhance tourism. Unfortunately, Ronald Reagan saw this as a threat to the United States because they presume the airstrip could be used to build up an arms cache, and propel a military build-up in the Caribbean.    Since 1990, more than 400 U.S. soldiers have died in the Gulf.   (,
     So, to say the least, why would president Obama be any different to have a war under his administration? America’s motto is to help most countries with their crisis, and make priority those whose interest is held by us. Is the American person not a priority? The president has to focus on getting the economy back on track. Sending soldiers over South Korea while they’re soldiers still in Iran will be an additional strain on the economy. It’s amazing; how many of our presidents have never been able to completely follow and execute the agenda that they promised to implement when they get into office.  America is wary of all the elements that’s causing resentments, censure criticism, and is still angered by 9/11, threats of Al-Qaeda, and Iraq ventures.
     The general public of America is constantly putting pressure on the government to stop the war and bring our troops home. Seven years of war, and in addition , to our own problems, another international crisis has risen that will require the help of our soldiers. Should we ignore our allies? To stabilize this country?
     America will continue to be dreaded by the foes and for a time doubtfully viewed by many of the friends of America, everything stood on a new and more respectable footing, both with regard to the operations of war or negotiations with foreign powers. Mercy Otis Warren (
By: UnsungVoice 11/27/10


  1. What does South Korea have to offer the U.S. Lets give support without sending troops there.

  2. We have work to do here to clean up America. Lets stay on on the rightschedule there a house crisis, small businesses closing. South Korea is not Kuwiat they can handle this problem

  3. Lets put our dollars back into America. We need jobs.
